Supplier registration


  • The first registered person will automatically become the "administrator” of the company, who then will have the opportunity to create further company users, including users with administrator privileges
  • There is no limit on the number of users that can be created within the supplier organisation
If you are unsure about your company registration please contact support at

Company Contact Information
Company Contact Information must be supplied. This is the primary contact information Authorities will use to contact a company. It is recommended that you provide the company general contact details e.g.

Administrator information
These are the details of the Administrator. If the user details are the same as the Company contact information then click on the “Copy from above” button. Otherwise enter information manually. It is important that the email address is correct as this will be the address used by the system to send alerts and messages.

Supplier registration

General company information
Company contact information
Administrator Information

Administrator Credentials
Passwords policy
  • Slaptažodis turi būti sudarytas iš lotynų abėcėlės raidžių a-z, A-Z, skaičių 0-9 ir simbolių *
  • Slaptažodis turi būti bent 8 simbolių ilgio.
  • Slaptažodis privalo turėti bent vieną lotynų abėcėlės raidę.
  • Slaptažodis turi susidaryti bent iš vienos lotyniškosios abėcėlės didžiosios raidės ir vienos mažosios raidės.
  • Slaptažodis turi būti bent vienas skaičius
  • Slaptažodis turi tureti bent viena simboli, pavyzdžiui: ! @ # $ % * _ Nerekomenduojame naudoti / ? + - .
Email Addresses for Alerts
Alert emails Please enter the email addresses for company users who you wish to receive email alerts regarding tenders relevant to your business.