VP-866 Inžinerinių sistemų įrengimas ir remontas

Below you find information regarding this tender. To be able to work on a response for the buyer you have to be registered and logged in.
Rft is cancelled
The rft is cancelled by authority. It is not possible to submit response on this rft.

2028-10-02 10:00:00

45220000-5  Engineering works and construction works
45311200-2  Electrical fitting work
45312000-7  Alarm system and antenna installation work
45312200-9  Burglar-alarm system installation work
45315100-9  Electrical engineering installation works
45331100-7  Central-heating installation work
50116100-2  Electrical-system repair services
50610000-4  Repair and maintenance services of security equipment
50720000-8  Repair and maintenance services of central heating
71300000-1  Engineering services

VĮ Turto bankas
Kęstučio g. 45
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Liubov Lavrinovič

Published notices
Contract notice (CVP IS) 2023-08-25 13:25
Contract or concession award notice – standard regime (eForm) 2024-11-28 15:44 Original notice publication
VP-866 Inžinierinių sistemų įrengimas ir remontas
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